Thursday, April 16, 2009

Korea vs Midwest of the Us

The republic of Korea is composed of nine provinces, with Seoul as the capital. Other metropoitan cities include; Pusan, Taegu, Inchon, Kwangju, Tagejon and Ulsan. About 70 percent of it is mountainous, with more than 3,000 islands dotting the coastline. The climate of Korea is characterized by four distinct seasons;spring, summer, autum and winter.

Midwest, region of the United States centered on the western Great Lakes and upper-middle Mississppi valley. The area has some of the richest farming land in the world and is known for its corn cattle. The chief cities are Chicago, Detroit, St.Louis, Milwaukee and Minneapolis-St.Paul.

1 comment:

  1. Younghee, in class I remember learning that Korea has a large population in a small area of land. Do you think that there are more rural areas in the Midwest than in Korea?
