Thursday, April 30, 2009

Food: Midwest vs Korea

Cheese Curds
They are usually orange in color. They are little nubs of cheese, roughly the size of peanuts, which, if very fresh, squeak when you bite down on them.Cheese making began in Wisconsin around 1840, when word of Wisconsin's rich farmland spread throughout Europe and the United States. Settlers from the eastern dairy
states of New York and Ohio, as well as immigrants from Switzerland, Germany, and other countries in Europe, brought their traditions of cheese making and secret recipes to Wisconsin.

My favorite korean food is a seasoned ricke cake(Tukbokggi). They are usually white and red in color. They are roughly the size of a finger. when you bite them, you can enjoy gummy and chewy. They are orignated the Royal court food in 1800s. I really love hot, spicy, and sweet as honey.

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